Mobile App

The Disciple.Tools Mobile App is No Longer in Development

In 2019, a partnering team spearheaded mobile app development to support Disciple.Tools. We remain deeply grateful for their efforts. Development continued through 2023.  However, with our focus on rapid development of the core web platform and with limited usage and a complex, decentralized mobile app setup, we have decided to no longer maintain the mobile app.

The app is still available on Apple and Android stores, but some features may not work. We recommend using Disciple.Tools in a mobile browser for the best experience.

We are also developing new mobile-friendly features, like an enhanced Disciple.Tools Home Screen, to provide more refined user experience—stay tuned as we continue to roll out these updates!

Built with by the Disciple.Tools Community

Are you a developer?

This mobile app (along with Disciple.Tools and the many plugins) was built by the Disciple.Tools open source community. 

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