Tailored to Disciple-making


Track and organize individuals, trainings, groups and churches generationally.


Featuring end-to-end dashboards, charts, and maps on contacts, baptisms, groups, churches, and movements.


Apply to individuals, groups, trainings or movements.

Own Your Project


Having decentralized, distributed deployment. Disciple.Tools can be self hosted by anyone and no one has access to centralized records of all users.


You own your data. You can choose where and how your instance is set up and where the data is stored.

Permission-based Access

Users only see the contacts assigned to them and puts you in control of data access.

Fits Your Ministry Specific Needs

Quick to Launch

Ready to go out of the box


Easily adapted through built-in settings.


Choose from an ever-growing list of external plugins.

Open Source

Being built to outgrow and outlive our team and become a Kingdom tool for the Kingdom community (growth and spread of Disciple.Tools is not limited by any one entity).

Designed for Cross-cultural Collaboration


Disciple.Tools already exists in several languages.

It doesn’t exist in your language? Easily translate the user interface and contribute the translation to the Disciple.Tools community.

On the Go

Mobile App

Giving offline capability and full-functionality from a mobile device for low- or no-internet situations (offline, push notifications, enhanced security).

Beta app can be found in both the Android and iPhone app stores.