Utilities Plugins

Utilities are plugins that help better administrate Disciple.Tools.

Data Reporting

The Disciple Tools Data Reporting plugin assists in exporting data to an external data reporting source, such as cloud providers like Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure. The plugin allows you to manually download your data in CSV and JSON (newline delimited) formats. However, it's primary intended use is for automating data export directly to your choosen cloud provider.

Author: cairocoder01

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Demo Content

Disciple.Tools - Demo Content

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Disciple.Tools Storage

Disciple.Tools - Storage is intended to help manage connections with remote object storage services, such as AWS S3, Backblaze, etc.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Easily import your contact or group data into Disciple.Tools from a CSV file.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Metrics Export

Export CSV, JSON, KML, and GEOJSON file types of contacts and groups. Create distributable public links as either one-time download, expiring, or permanent link access. Extendable to facilitate your own downloads with a developer starter plugin.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Mobile App Plugin

The Wordpress Plugin extension to support the Disciple.Tools mobile app

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Disciple.Tools - Multisite

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Network Dashboard

The Network Dashboard facilitates the reporting connection between different Disciple.Tools systems. In this way, multiple groups can work towards saturation for a common area by sharing high level reporting data between their systems.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Personal Migration

Allow users to migrate their contacts and groups to another Disciple.Tools system. This plugin adds a section to the users settings page and allows them to a personal migration to another system.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Setup Wizard

Speed up your new site setup process through a multi-step wizard interface.

Author: cairocoder01

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