Data and Metrics Plugins

Date and metrics plugins expand the charting, mapping, and exporting of Disciple.Tools data.


This plugin adds a generation mapping to the metrics section of the Disciple.Tools system. Generation mapping shows parent/child relationship between contact, baptisms, and groups.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Metrics Export

Export CSV, JSON, KML, and GEOJSON file types of contacts and groups. Create distributable public links as either one-time download, expiring, or permanent link access. Extendable to facilitate your own downloads with a developer starter plugin.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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Metrics Gap List

Kick start your Disciple.Tools plugin project with this template! This plugin is a collection of our best practices and code bases for creating Disciple.Tools plugins.

Author: cairocoder01

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Network Dashboard

The Network Dashboard facilitates the reporting connection between different Disciple.Tools systems. In this way, multiple groups can work towards saturation for a common area by sharing high level reporting data between their systems.

Author: Disciple.Tools

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