Theme Release: 0.7.1

April 14, 2018
  • Subject line in emails is now configurable
  • Login won’t always take you to the contacts page
  • Better mobile view on lists page
  • Redirect to requested page after login
  • Duplicate checking on contacts
  • Location dropdown on contact creation changed to typeahead
  • Site to site connection upgrades
  • Leaders on groups
  • Many fixes
  • Hooks for contact and group creation and update
  • API set locations by name
  • API use email to connect to a user’s contact

requires: 4.7.1
tested: 4.9.4

Theme Release: 0.6.2

March 6, 2018
  • Help icons on contact and group details
  • Contact details: status color
  • Better @mentions visual feedback
  • Safari UI fixes
  • Better warnings if you are not on php 7
  • Contact and Group GRUD documented here:
  • Ability to add custom fields and sections to groups and contacts
  • See selected tab in navbar

requires: 4.7.1
tested: 4.9.4

Theme Release: 0.5.0

January 26, 2018
  • Some of the changes
  • Add notification icon and fix navbar being big when loading
  • Quick action button workflow, revert capability
  • Improve sharing contact UI, notifications and automation
  • Split group status and group type for clarity
  • 403 page for limited permissions
  • Child groups and parent groups

Milestones 4 and 5:

requires: 4.7.1
tested: 4.9.2