Disciple.Tools - Streams

A stream is a collection of work, large or small. The streams plugin interconnects leaders, disciples, churches, churches, trainings, and other elements with census style reporting. A stream can be a large organization, movement, or a few churches started from a single training. It is a named effort that needs to be tracked for good stewardship.


The movement of the kingdom is not clean and organized. Streams is an effort to provide a container that allows a disciple maker to track area of work which might be a collection of leaders, trainings, and churches. Often the reporting from these efforts can lack detail, so the census reporting allows those leaders and key disciples to report on the numbers of baptisms and churches with locations.

Organizing collections of work this way, allows leaders to go to one place and understand key leadership, key churches/churches, and key training efforts in those areas.


Will Do

  • Track parent, child, and peer streams of work
  • Track key leaders connected as contacts
  • Track key disciples as contacts
  • Track key churches in the movement stream
  • Track comments and notes
  • (with the Trainings plugin installed) Track trainings in the stream
  • Track comments about the stream
  • Share the stream, assigned owner, and church planters responsible for the stream
  • Collect census reports through secure magic links that require no password.

Will Not Do

  • Currently, reports do not create churches or contacts.


  • Disciple.Tools Theme installed on a Wordpress Server


  • Install as a standard Disciple.Tools/Wordpress plugin in the system Admin/Plugins area.
  • Requires the user role of Administrator.


Contributions welcome. You can report issues and bugs in the Issues section of the repo. You can present ideas in the Discussions section of the repo. And code contributions are welcome using the Pull Request system for git. For a more details on contribution see the contribution guidelines.


details page details

list page list page

census reports magic collection page reports