Join us!

Learn and grow with other Disciple.Tools users to up-skill yourself and better understand the software. You will benefit from:

  • up-skilled training
  • hearing upcoming product announcements
  • meeting with developers and sharing your needs for Disciple.Tools
Due to generous donors, the 3-day Summit in Dallas, Texas will only cost $100. Registration is required. Check out the FAQ below for more details.

Sign up today!

Sign up will be complete after payment on the next page. Update the quantity field to pay for multiple attendees.


How much does it cost?

$100.  We are blessed to have generous groups underwriting the majority of this event and limiting the costs to you.  If you’d like to contribute more, it is welcomed

What will the format be for the summit?

Large-group demos and multiple small-group breakouts around key topics. 

What about food & Housing?

Lunches and snacks are included with the Summit fee. Housing and other meals are not included. Contact Jess Wilson  [email protected]  for AirBNB and hotel options.

The Hope Center is found at 2001 W Plano Parkway, Plano, TX 75075.

Who is this summit for?

We welcome those who are using the Disciple.Tools software and those who are helpings others use Disciple.Tools.

What will be discussed?

We will share the Disciple.Tools vision, mission, and values. Speakers will demo new and upcoming features. We will share best practices for using Disciple.Tools and establish connections between the user and developer community.

why should i come?

You can accelerate others with your experience and be accelerated in your ministry by others in the Disciple.Tools community. Come be a part of a group who are giving and receiving in the heavenly economy.

2023 Summit Agenda

Coming soon!

2022 Feedback