Role Description:
A multiplier is normally tasked with making face-to-face meetings with any contacts they have been assigned to. They are expected to keep their contacts’ profiles up-to-date in the system to accurately reflect the contacts’ unique spiritual journeys.
Contacts and Groups Access: Users with this role can only see contacts assigned to them and groups they have created. They can also see contacts shared with them by another Disciple.Tools user. See the sharing page for more information and how a multipliers can gain access to records.
A Multiplier can:
- Create contacts and groups
- Update their contact and groups
- View and update contacts and groups that have been shared with them
- View personal metrics
- View Critical Path metric page
- List users they have interacted with, not all users in the system. Configurable
Admin Privileges: None
Disciple.Tools Multiplier Guide
Guide 1: Learn more about the Multiplier role so you can identify the right person or persons for the job.
Guide 2: Train and on-board new Multipliers to your Disciple.Tools site.