We use Weblate to host and manage our volunteer translation contributions.
Disciple.Tools has a little over 4,500 words to translate. These words or phrases are often simple things like the word “Contacts” or the phrase “Contact Attempt Needed”.
Once a translation is ready to publish, our core development team will publish the new translation to the code base and it will become available to all upgraded Disciple.Tools systems in the next release.
This new translation will appear in the “Language” selection area in each user’s personal settings. Each user can select their own translation preference on how they want to interact with the Disciple.Tools system. In other words, you can have one team member interacting in a right-to-left language like Arabic and another team member interacting in a left-to-right language like French.
All the comment fields and input fields can receive and store input from any language.
Using the Google Translate API extension in the Disciple.Tools settings area, you can allow for automatic comment translation.
If you have competence in a language and want help upgrade part of a current language or want to sponsor a new translation. Connect with the Translation Team and we can help you get started.