Category: DT Theme Releases

Theme Release: 0.14.1

November 21, 2018
  • Show hidden site transfer in share modal
  • Customization fixes
  • Upload Spanish and Taiwanese translations
  • Fix some translation issues
  • Fix deleting a contact connection and correct activity message
  • Set your own social media channel icons. Fix social media urls being hidden
  • Customizable church type
  • Comment and activity tab upgrades
  • general fixes

requires: 4.7.1
tested: 4.9.8

Theme Release: 0.14.0

November 15, 2018
  • Customization system: add new tiles and fields to the contacts and group record pages
  • Site to Site contact transfer
  • Upgraded contact ‘Overall Status’ default fields
  • Added Contact connections/relationships field


  • Better api connection strategy and documentation.
  • Changed miltesones and health metrics to be multi_select fields instead of a bunch of individual fields
  • Create new boolean field. affects requires_update, accepted
  • Migrated a reason_paused key from ‘not-responding’ to ‘not_responding’
  • Refactor add_comment function for contacts and groups

requires: 4.7.1
tested: 4.9.8