Category: DT Theme Releases

Theme Release v1.65

July 12, 2024

What's Changed

  • Workflows: New custom comments action by @jlamanskygitt
  • Metrics - Personal Genmappers by @kodinkat
  • Metrics - Cumulative Metrics Charts by @kodinkat


  • Display correct user display name by @kodinkat
  • DT Workflows - Let updated to connection fields trigger workflow @kodinkat
  • Fix bug keeping User Manager from seeing New User menu by @cairocoder01


  • Add where function to dt-reports class by @squigglybob

New Contributors


Workflows: New custom comments action

Now you can set up an action to automatically comment on the record when the workflow is triggered:



Metrics - Personal Genmappers

In your personal metrics display a genmapper for any of the connection fields. Contact trees start with your contact record. Other record type trees show records you have access to.

image image image

Metrics - Cumulative Metrics Charts

Display charts that shows the values for a dropdown or a multiselect field at different times.



Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

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Theme Release v1.64

June 25, 2024

What's Changed

  • Private contacts are disabled by default for new instances by @corsacca
  • Support creation of custom location fields (location grid only) by @kodinkat


  • Fix contacts being private when creating them via a connection
  • Fix Saving Settings (D.T) languages by @CptHappyHands
  • Fix Metrics Map: geting user locations by @kodinkat
  • Fix errors saving field option translations by @cairocoder01


  • Create dt_site_id function by @corsacca
  • Each post type has a default location field by @kodinkat
  • Upgrade CI tests to use php8.3 by @corsacca
  • SSO: uncomment recaptcha check in backend by @squigglybob
  • Add color variables to css by @cairocoder01


Private Contacts


When creating a contact you have the choice to use a standard contact which is visible by you and admin roles, or a private contact which only you can see. In general teams only use standard contacts and run into issue when a user accidentally creates a private contact. Because, on new setups, the private contacts will not be enabled by default. They can be enabled in the WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Contact Preferences


Custom location fields


Create a custom location field from the Customizations (D.T) Admin section to track more locations. This enables the default location grid field. Custom locations fields with geolocating with Mapbox or Google is in the works.


Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

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Theme Release v1.63

May 22, 2024

What's Changed

  • Genmapper Metrics - Option to hide archived contacts or inactive groups by @kodinkat
  • Images - Ability to delete images by @kodinkat
  • Images - Update placeholder icons and center uploaded images by @corsacca


  • Lists - Fix images and placeholder columns by @corsacca
  • Lists - Fix BCC emails list by @kodinkat
  • Lists - Fix opening a filter from the url by @corsacca
  • Nav Bar - Fix button spacing by @corsacca
  • Metrics - Fix offscreen button for small screens on dynamic map by @kodinkat
  • Records - Fix fields sometimes being cutoff
  • Records - @mentions non standard comments types will trigger notifications by @kodinkat

Dev Section

  • Create filter for custom actions to indicate if they're already executed by @cairocoder01
  • Create specific hooks to load plugins and for when the theme is ready by @corsacca


Option to hide archived contacts or inactive groups by @kodinkat

In the Genmapper, archived Contacts (and inactive groups) will now show up as grey. They can be hidden with the "Show Archived" Toggle.

Showing archived contacts:


Hiding archived contacts:



Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

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Theme Release v1.62

May 3, 2024

What's Changed

  • Add Pictures to Contacts, Groups and other records by @kodinkat
  • Include magic links in the CSV export by @corsacca
  • Metrics > Dynamic Maps: layer names and color by @kodinkat
  • Upgrade sending magic link by email by @kodinkat


Add Pictures to Contacts, Groups and other records

If you missed, see the announcement for the D.T storage plugin. With the plugin configured you will now be able to

Set a picture on a record:

Screen Recording 2024-05-03 at 5 05 21 PM

See the pictures on the list:


Dynamic Maps: Layer Names and Colors

We now can set custom colors for map layers and we can also give each layer a name!


Send Magic Links By Email

You can share a magic link by email from the Magic Links tile on a contact record. This is a quick way to get a contact or user their Magic Link. Now this features includes placeholders for the contact name, the magic link and the magic link name!



Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

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Theme Release v1.61

April 26, 2024

What’s Changed

  • Use markdown in comments by @CptHappyHands
  • Support for sending Disciple.Tools notifications over SMS and WhatsApp
  • Dropdowns: highlight on hover by @corsacca
  • Replace alert copy with tooltip copy by @corsacca
  • Plugins can set their icon for some comments by @corsacca


Use markdown in comments

We’ve added ways to customize comments using the Markdown format. This lets us create:

  • Web Links using: Google Link: [Google](
  • bold using **bold** or __bold__
  • italics using *italics*
  • lists using:
- one
- two
- three


* one
* two
* three
  • Images: using: ![Image Description](


In Disciple.Tools it looks like:

We plan to add help buttons to make this easier and also add a way to upload images too.

Disciple.Tools Notifications using SMS and WhatsApp

Disciple.Tools is now able to send these notifications out using SMS text and WhatsApp messages! This functionality is built on and requires using the Disciple.Tools Twilio plugin.

See the release details:


Dropdowns: highlight on hover

Highlight the menu item when the mouse is hovering over it.



Replace alert copy with tooltip copy

Screen Recording 2024-04-25 at 10 52 10 AM


Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

Full Changelog:…1.61.0

Theme Release v1.60

April 17, 2024

What's Changed

  • Admins can turn and and share user magic links by @kodinkat
  • Typeaheads: Sort users by last modified by @corsacca
  • Wildcard character compatibility for the rest API Whitelist by @prykon

Developer Changes

  • Disciple.Tools code now follows the prettier linting by @cairocoder01
  • Replace some lodash functions with plain js by @CptHappyHands
  • Upgrade npm pacakges by @corsacca


Admins can turn and and share User Magic Links

Previously you could only manage your own User Magic Links in your profile settings:


This new feature lets admins directly send users their User Magic Links so the user does not have to log in to Disciple.Tools first. We've added a new tile to the User's record (Settings Gear > Users > click on a user). Here you can see the selected user's magic links, enable them and send them the link.


Once a User Magic link is enabled, it will also show up on the user's contact record:


Typeaheads: Sort users by last modified

This is an upgrade In the cases where you are searching for a name that matches many contacts. Now the results show the most recently modified contacts first which often will show the contact you are searching for.


Wildcard character compatibility for the rest API Whitelist

By default Disciple.Tools requires all API calls to require authentication. This security measure helps guarantee no information is leaked. Some 3rd party plugins use the rest API for their functionality. This Whitelist is a space to give those plugins permission to use the rest API. This change is the ability to specify all the endpoints that match a pattern instead of listing them out individiually. Found in the WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Security > API Whitelist.


New Contributors

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Theme Release v1.59

March 25, 2024

What's New

  • Login with Microsoft is now an option by @gp-birender
  • Beta Feature: Migrate D.T contacts using default WP Export and Import Tools by @kodinkat


  • Add a reply to field in bulk emailing feature by @kodinkat
  • Settings Import: "Select All Tiles & Fields" button by @kodinkat
  • Add audio playback to comments (via meta data) by @cairocoder01


  • Lists: Stay on zoomed map filter on refresh by @kodinkat
  • Show Assigned To field on new record page by @corsacca

New Contributors - Welcome!


Record Migration using WP Exports and Import

Not a complete migration, but an easy way to transfer most contact fields from one D.T instance to a new one. See for all the details.

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Comments or questions? Join us on the Disciple.Tools forum!

Theme Release v1.58

March 15, 2024

What's Changed

  • Lists: Bulk Send an email to your Contact list @kodinkat
  • List Map Upgrades - Open the list view of the records on your map by @kodinkat


  • Fix workflows not working on record creation by @kodinkat
  • Fix list filters counts going to the next line by @kodinkat
  • Fix issue with creating list filters by @kodinkat
  • Fix background jobs queue on large multilites by @corsacca
  • Fix email template when not using smtp by @kodinkat


List Map Upgrades - Open the list view of the records on your map.

Let's say you are looking to do an event and want to invite all of your contacts in a neighborhood or region to join. We've now made this process much simpler. Go to your contacts list. Choose all contacts or choose a custom filter that fits your use case. Then click the map icon in the top bar or click "Map List" in the List Exports tile on the left.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 3 58 20 PM

Zoom on the contacts you want to focus on. Here I'm going to zoom in on Span. The right panel will show the contacts in my zoomed window.


Next we'll click "Open Zoomed Map Records" to open the list view with just the contacts in your zoomed view. In my case this is all the records in Spain


If you wish, save this view to your custom Filters so you can open it up later


Note: for this feature make sure you have mapbox enabled. See Geolocation

Now. What if we wanted to send an email to this list to invite them to the event? See the next section.

Bulk Send a emails to your Contact list

Send an email to any list of Contacts in your Disciple.Tools site by going to Contacts and filtering the list the way you want it.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11 43 39 AM

You'll come to a screen like this that allows you to edit a message that will be sent out. Note that there is no-reply address to this email. If you want a response back from your list of contacts then you will need to add an email address or a webform link to the body of the email address.


Whether you are using Disciple.Tools to manage a list of intercessors for a prayer campaign or to serve a group of disciples that you're wanting to train (or many other use cases), this new feature will be an upgrade for you. The Bulk Send Message feature is another way to communicate with those you are serving.

See more instructions here:

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.57

February 16, 2024

What's New

  • List Page: Full Width by @corsacca
  • List Page: Horizontally Scrollable by @EthanW96
  • List Exports section added Email, Phone and Map from list exports plugin by @kodinkat
  • Ability to Import custom post types in Utilities > Import and UI upgrade

What's Changed

  • Translations updates
  • Allow emails to display html links by @corsacca
  • Disable autocomplete on new user fields by @kodinkat
  • Metrics: Fix Genmapper bug when no connection fields are available by @kodinkat
  • Dev: Activity log table object_type column now corresponds to the field key instead of the meta key by @kodinkat
  • Dev: Lists API Unit Tests by @kodinkat


Full width and scrollable list page

Lets start with what this page looked like:


Small columns, just glimpses of the data... Add now with the upgrade:


List Exports

In v1.54 we brought in the CSV list export functionality from the list exports plugin. Today the others also join the list: BCC Email List, Phone List and Map List. These will help you get the emails or phone number from the contacts you are viewing or see your current list displayed on a map.


Ability to Import custom post types in Utilities > Import and UI upgrade

Need to transfer some fields form one D.T instance to another? What about the custom post type you created? We got you covered. Create an export file in Utilities (D.T) > Exports. Then upload it in Utilities (D.T) > Imports.

Here you can import your custom post types: image

Or choose just some parts like this tile and fields:


Thanks for partnering with Disciple.Tools!

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.56

February 8, 2024

What's New

  • List Filters: Support Text & Communication channels by @kodinkat

Performance Improvements

  • Performance mode by @corsacca
  • Mapping Metrics: Add pagination to map data loading by @corsacca


  • CSV Export: support non-latin characters by @micahmills
  • Delete location meta when deleting a record by @kodinkat
  • Users List: fix search when using the enter key
  • Fix list page breaking form fields with - in the name
  • Remove email template pre-header text
  • Fix # symbol breaking CSV export
  • Fix UI breaking with the Burmese translation


List Filters: Support Text & Communication channels

Create filters for text fields (name, etc) and for communication channel fields (phone, email, etc). You can search for:

  • all the records that match a specific value for your selected field
  • all the records that don't have your specific value in the selected field
  • all the records that have any value in the selected field
  • all the records that don't have any value set in the selected field


Performance mode

Some default D.T behaviors are nice, but can be slow on systems with a lot of contact and group records. This update introduces a setting to put D.T into "Performance Mode" which disables slow features. You'll find this setting in WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > General: image

The first feature that is disabled is the counts on contact and croup list filters. Enabling performance mode skips calculating those numbers. image

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