Category: DT Theme Releases

Theme Release: v1.7.0

May 27, 2021

Ability to filter for “any” connection of a connection field. Ex searching for all contacts that have a coach. by @squigglybob
Ability to favorite contacts and groups. by @micahmills
Ability to change multi_select field icons (like Faith Milestones). By @cwuensche
Upgrades to dropdown field with a default “empty” value and the ability to filter for “no” value

Upgrade magic url classes and add example to starter plugin
Ability to add user apps (features that a user can enable).

Theme Release: v1.6.0

May 18, 2021

New Features:

  • Advanced Global Search in the top navbar by @kodinkat
  • Tags field type, create your own tag field form the WP Admin by @cairocoder01
  • Personal/Private Fields, create private fields in the WP Admin to track personal data by @micahmills
  • Metrics: Fields over Time Charts, chose a field and see it’s progression over time by @squigglybob


  • Fix locations not showing up in list view by @corsacca
  • Some date’s not showing in user’s selected language by @squigglybob
  • Fix some user inviting and upgrading workflows by @corsacca
  • Better contact transfer on records with lots of comments by @corsacca
  • WP Custom Fields section better UI by @prykon
  • WP ability to change field visibility on different contact types by @corsacca

Theme Release: 1.4.0

April 15, 2021
  • Create custom quick actions from the WP Admin by @prykon
  • Add Next and Previous list when viewing records from the list by @cwuensche
  • Save WP Errors to be viewed. Under WP Admin > Utilities (DT) > Error log by @kodinkat
  • Change Archived/Inactive Status to grey instead of red by @corsacca
  • Fields: Languages, Leader of Group and Subassigned on can be enabled. by @corsacca
  • More bug and UI fixes.

Theme Release: 1.3.0

April 9, 2021
  • Add recently viewed filter to groups by @cwuensche
  • Ability to enable the “leader of group” field for the contact record by @corsacca
  • Show more location levels in the default locations typeahead by @corsacca @micahmills
  • Deactivate plugins from the WP Admin > Extensions (DT) Tab by @cwuensche
  • Show more info on who a record is shared with by @cwuensche
  • Create tags from the tags typeahead by @squigglybob
  • Ability to create custom Textarea fields by @micahmills

Theme Release: 1.2.0

March 29, 2021

Theme Release: 1.1

February 24, 2021
  • Let Disciple.Tools theme update with the WordPress “Enable Automatic Updates” feature
  • Advanced search functionality. By @micahmills
  • Let records be opened in a new tab with CMD or CTL + click. By @micahmills
  • Auto Focus on more modals so you can start typing right away
  • Fix timezone bug for some notifications. By @micahmills
  • Fix some users not showing up in Typeahead fields
  • Restore missing people groups field to group details tile
  • Make phone numbers clickable again. By @micahmills
  • Add endpoint to provide server settings available before login.