Category: DT Plugin Releases

New Magic Links Feature: Connections Template!

March 19, 2025

The new Post Connections template for the Magic Links plugin allows you to quickly and easily create custom interfaces for your users to interact with a list of posts that are related to their user, contact, group, or any other record. Using this template, you can send any user a magic link that is tailored for use on their mobile device to manage just the information that is applicable to them. You can create separate links for your digital responders, on-ground multipliers, or any other unique roles you have in your system.

Choose a base post type and then select any connection field to choose what records are available in the link. Then choose only the fields you want them to see and edit. You now have your own custom interface that you can use for only the users it applies to.

For example, you could have a list of all of the contacts that another contact is coaching. Or the contacts they baptized. Or you could have a list of all the groups that a contact is leading. You could even have a magic link showing all the groups that are child groups of another group that you could send to the group leader for them to manage. The possibilities are endless!

If you are making use of the Home Screen plugin that gives an easy mobile home screen to each user, any Post Connections template you create that is related to a contact that is a user will automatically be shown on their home screen.

Demo Video and Setup Instructions

What you’ll see


Magic Links – Creating Contacts and Readonly fields

May 16, 2024

Ability to create contacts (v1.20)

This update lets the user create contacts on the “User Contact Updates” and the “Sub-Assigned” magic links.



From the “links” scheduler:


On the Sub-Assigned template:

Read only fields (v1.19)

On magic link templates, make some fields as “readonly”. This will display the field on the magic link, but keep the field from being edited.





Questions or comments? Join the forum:

Disciple.Tools Notifications using SMS and WhatsApp

April 26, 2024


Disciple.Tools uses notifications to let users know something happened on their records. Notifications are normally sent through the web interface and over email.

Notifications look like:

  • You have been assigned contact John Doe
  • @Corsac mentioned you on contact John Doe saying: “Hey @Ahmed, we met with John yesterday and gave him a bible”
  • @Corsac, an update is requested on Mr O,Nubs.

Disciple.Tools is now able to send these notifications out using SMS text and WhatsApp messages! This functionality is built on and requires using the Disciple.Tools Twilio plugin.

A WhatsApp notification will look like this:


To setup your instance to send SMS and WhatsApp notifications, you need to:

  • Get a Twilio account and buy a number and create a messaging service
  • Setup a WhatsApp profile if you want to use WhatsApp
  • Install and configure the Disciple.Tools Twilio plugin

Users will need to:

  • Add their phone number to the Work Phone field in their D.T profile settings for SMS messages
  • Add their WhatsApp number to the Work WhatsApp field in their D.T profile settings for WhatsApp messages
  • Enable which notifications they want to receive through each messaging channel

Please see the documentation for help setting up and configuring it in Disciple.Tools.


Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

Presenting: Disciple.Tools Storage Plugin

April 24, 2024

Plugin link:

This new plugin builds the way for users to be able to securely upload images and files and sets up the API for developers to use.

The first step is connecting Disciple.Tools to your favorite S3 service (see instructions).
Then Disciple.Tools will be able to upload and display images and files.

We’ve started this use case:

  • User avatars. You can upload your own avatar (these aren’t yet displayed in user lists)

We want to see these use cases:

  • Saving Contact and Group pictures
  • Using pictures in the comments section
  • Using voice messages in the comments section
  • and more!

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

Prayer Campaigns V4!

April 17, 2024

Prayer campaigns v4, multiple prayer campaigns at the same time.

Have you ever wanted to have multiple prayer campaigns running at the same time? Have you ever wanted to go back to old campaigns and see the stats or access the prayer fuel?

Lets say you have a ongoing prayer campaign with a landing page running at Now you want to also run a separate campaign for easter, what do you do? Before you had to set up a new Disciple.Tools instance or turn your wordpress install into a multisite and create a new subsite. Now all you need to do is create a new campaign.

You'll be able to run multiple campaigns from the same place:

  • <- pointing to this one

With this version you also get:

  • Editing page content from the front end
  • Custom fields in the sign up tool
  • A campaign creator role for just managing certain campaigns
  • A form for contacting the campaign admin

Pictures proving awesomeness

Edit page content directly



Custom fields

Add custom text or checkbox fields


Campaign creator role

Invite a user and give them the campaign creator role. This new user will only have access to the campaigns their are assigned to.


The Contact Us page

image image

Prayer Campaigns Version 3!

January 10, 2024

Introducing Prayer Campaigns Version 3!

What's new?

  • New sign up tool
  • Weekly strategy
  • New Profile page
  • Better re-subscribe workflow


New interface and weekly sign up option

We've upgraded the interface where you sign up for prayer times and we've added the support for weekly prayer strategies. Previously you had to sign up to pray every day, or choose just certain times to pray.

Now, with the weekly strategy, one prayer fuel page is needed for the whole week and you can chose to sign up to pray once a week, for example every Monday morning at 7:15am.

These changes also open the door for other campaign strategies, like monthly prayer campaigns or a quantity of prayer goal.


Account Page and Extending a Commitment

Once you've signed up to pray you can manage your prayer times on your "Account" page. This page includes the new sign up interface, an upgraded calendar, a new section to manage your daily and weekly prayer commitments and more account settings. You'll come here to manage notifications, confirm that you are still actively praying with the campaign, to sign up for more prayer times or to change existing prayer commitments.


Translation and Prayer Campaigns v4

We could use YOUR help translating the new interface! See

Look ahead: More features coming soon in v4! The main one being the ability to run multiple campaigns and landing pages at the same time.

Please help support ongoing development and work on v4:

Praise, comments or questions? Join the community forum: Integration

June 27, 2023

Join us in celebrating the release of the Disciple.Tools (formerly integromat) integration! See the integration page on

This integrations lets other apps connect to Disciple.Tools. This first version is limited to the creation of contact or groups records.

A couple possible scenarios:

  • Google Forms. Create a contact record when a google form is filled out.
  • Create a contact record for each new mailchimp subscriber.
  • Create a group when a certain slack message is written.
  • Endless possibilites.

See setup video and further documentation.

Find this integration useful? Have questions? Let us know in the github discussions section.

Magic Link Plugin v1.17

June 8, 2023

Scheduling and Subassigned Templates

Automatic Link Scheduling

This upgrade lets you chose the next time the links will automatically be sent. The Frequency settings will determine when the subsequent runs will happen.

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 14 39 44

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 14 40 16

Subassined Contacts Template

We have a contact record for our coworker Alex. This feature create a magic link for Alex to update the contacts that are subassigned to him.

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 14 40 42

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 14 41 01

Alex's Magic Link


D.T Webform Plugin Version 6

May 4, 2023

New Features

  • Redirect on webform submit
  • Custom multi-select checkboxes
  • Page the webform was submitted on
  • Magic Link Webform

Option to redirect on success

Have a special landing page you'd like users to go to after submitting their form? Now you can! Just add the url to the webform settings and when the user submits the form, they will be redirected to that page.


Custom Multiselect Checkboxes

Add a field with multiple Selectable Checkboxes


To create, click the "Add Other Fields" and select "Multi-select checkboxes". Then add the options.



Page the webform was submitted on.

This will help you if you are using the webform on a remote site as a shortcode.


Magic Link Webform page

Previously the direct link to a webform looked like this:


It would sometimes get blocked by security plugins. It now looks like:


CSV Import Plugin v1.2

May 4, 2023

Do you LOVE CSVs?

Well... importing a CSV into Disciple.Tools just got better.

Introducing: Contact Duplicate Checking!

I'll set the stage. I just imported 1000 contacts with email address into Disciple.Tools. Yay!

But wait... I forgot that I also wanted to import the phone number column as well. Ok, now let me DELETE the 1000 contacts and start again.

But wait! What's this?


I can upload the CSV again and let Disciple.Tools find the contact by the email address and update it instead of creating a new one! While I'm at it, I'll add a tags column to the CSV and a 'import_2023_05_01' tag to all the contacts so I can refer back to them if needed.

And here are some of the previous updates

Geolocate Addresses

If you have a Mapbox or Google mapping key installed,


Then we can add a few addresses to our CSV and have Discple.Tools geocode them as they come in. One advantage is letting us show the records on maps in the Metrics section. image