Category: DT Theme Releases

Theme Release v1.45

August 3, 2023

What's Changed

  • Create new record types and customize role access.
  • Bulk Delete records
  • Bulk Unshare records
  • Fix for merging records not removing connections

Creating new record types

So you have Contacts and Groups out of the box. If you have played around with D.T plugins, you may have seen other record types like Trainings. This feature gives you the power of a plugin and lets you create your own record type. Go to WP Admin > Customizations (D.T) and click "Add New Record Type".


Setup tiles and fields:


And see it appear beside your other record types:


Record Type Role Configuration.

Want to configure which users can access your new record type? Head to the Roles tab. By default the Administrator has all the permissions. Here we will give the Multiplier the ability to View and Manage meetings they have access to, and the ability to create meetings:


Bulk Delete Records

Use the More > Bulk Edit tool to select and delete multiple records. Great when multiple contacts are created by accident and need to be removed. image

Note, this feature is only available to users that have the "Delete any record" (see above).

Bulk Unshare Records.

Use the More > Bulk Edit tool to remove shared access for a user to multiple records. Check the "Unshare with selected user" box.

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Theme Release v1.44

July 31, 2023

What's Changed

  • Show a generational tree for more connection fields by @kodinkat
  • Dynamic Metrics Section by @kodinkat
  • API list records optimization by @cairocoder01

Dynamic Generational tree

Display a generational tree for connection fields on any record type. The connection must be from a record type, to the same record type. Find this tree under Metrics > Dynamic Metrics > Generation Tree. image

Dynamic Metrics

Here is a metrics section with more flexibility. You choose the record type (contacts, groups, etc) and the field and find answers to your questions. Help us bring more charts and maps here. image

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Theme Release v1.43

July 24, 2023

PHP versions supported: 7.4 to 8.2

We've added support for PHP 8.2. Disciple.Tools will no longer officially support PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3. This is a great time to upgrade if you are running an old version.

Other Changes

  • Record tasks can now be show on the record lists page
  • Settings to bypass D.T's API restrictions in WP Admin > Settings > Security
  • Fixes to role permissions

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Theme Release v1.42

June 23, 2023

What's Changed

  • Ability to set favicon
  • User password reset email
  • Fix issue where some admin roles could gain more permissions.
  • Add invitation to the D.T Summit


Ability to set favicon

You can use the wordress settings to add a favicon. It will now show correctly on D.T pages. Go to WP Admin > Appearance > Customize. This will open the front end theme menus. Go to Site Identity. Here you can upload a new site icon:


Browser tabs will show the icon:


User password reset email

Help a user reset their password. Got to the settings gear > Users. Click on the user and find the User Profile section. Click Email Passmord Reset to send the user the email needed to reset their password. Alternatively they can do it themselves.


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Theme Release v1.41

June 12, 2023

New Features

  • Metrics: Activity During Date Range (@kodinkat)
  • Customizations (D.T): Section updates and fixes
  • Customizations (D.T): Font-icon picker (@kodinkat)
  • Settings To Disable New User Mention Notifications (@kodinkat)


  • Settings(D.T): Fix saving field settings and translations (@kodinkat)
  • Workflow: better handle "not equals" and "not contains" when field is not set (@cairocoder01)


Metrics: Activity During Date Range

Want to know what contacts changed assignment in July? Which groups were marked as being a church this year? Which contacts user X baptized since February?

You can now find out by heading to Metrics > Project > Activity During Date Range. Select the record type, the field and the date range.


Customizations (D.T) Beta: Font-icon picker

Instead of finding and uploading an icon for a field, choose from many available "Font Icons". Lets change the "Groups" field icon:


Click "Change Icon" and search for "group":


Select the Group icon and click Save. And here we have:


Settings To Disable New User Mention Notifications

When a user is invited to D.T they get 2 emails. One is the default WordPress email with their account information. The other is a welcome email from D.T with a link to their contact record. These settings enable the admin to disable those emails. image

Theme Release v1.40.0

May 5, 2023

What's Changed

  • Lists page: "Split By" Feature
  • Lists page: Load More button now adds 500 records instead of 100
  • People groups: Ability to install all People Groups
  • People groups: New people groups are installed with country geolocated
  • Customizations (D.T): Ability to delete Tiles. Show Field Type
  • Customizations (D.T): Show field type when editing a field
  • Record page: Change activity for some connection to other records to include record type
  • Keep duplicate Email or Phones number from being created.
  • Fix: Merging records fix for Assigned To
  • API: Login from mobile now returns correct error codes.
  • API: Tags are available in the settings endpoint
  • API: "corresponds to contact" info added to user endpoint


Lists page: Split By Tile

This feature works on any list and filter you have selected. Select a field like "Contact status" and see how many times each status is used in your list.


Narrow down you report with a custom filter, say "contacts created last year", and see the list by status or location, or which users are assigned, or anything you chose.

Then click on one of the rows to only show those records in the List section


Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.39.0

April 3, 2023

New Features

  • Export/Import D.T Settings by @kodinkat
  • New DT Settings by @prykon
  • Invalid Magic link page by @kodinkat


  • Better name search in typeahead fields by @kodinkat
  • Enabled Clickable Typeahead Multi Select Filter Queries by @kodinkat
  • Get all history and people in Revert Bot modal


Export/Import D.T Settings

Want to copy your Disciple.Tools setup to a new D.T site? Export any new Tiles or fields or changes you've made to them. Then upload your export to the new site.

image image

Read more:

Magic link Landing Page

If you are using magic links and the link has expired or the wrong link has been entered we'll now see this page instead of the login screen.


New Customizations (D.T) section (Beta)


We revamped the way to create tiles, fields, and field options. You can now use the intuitive user interface to create, edit, and sort these customizations for all post types. Find out the details in the user docs.

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.38.0

March 16, 2023

What's New

  • Upgrade WP Admin > Extension (D.T) tab with search and beautiful cards by @prykon
  • Metrics: See number fields in 'Fields over Time' by @corsacca
  • Revert Record Back In Time Shape by @kodinkat
  • Tile Settings: Ability to delete a tile
  • Field Settings: Ability to make a field hidden or not hidden


  • Keep current sort order when doing a search on the list page by @corsacca
  • Ability to clear/delete a number field when using min > 0 by @kodinkat
  • Fix for locations sometimes being the wrong place
  • Make more strings translatable


Upgrade WP Admin > Extension (D.T) tab with search and beautiful cards


Revert Record Back In Time Shape by @kodinkat

On any record, use the "Admin Actions" dropdown > "View Record History" to open the history modal. It gives a more detailed view of the record's activity, it lets us filter to certain days, and it lets up revert changes that were made.


We can roll back the record's field changes. Select the last "good" activity and click the roll back button.


See more here.

Metrics: See number fields in 'Fields over Time'

Let's look at the Group "Member Count" sum across all groups


Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.37.0

February 28, 2023

What's New

  • Admin Utilities page to tracks emails sent, by @kodinkat
  • Better search on names so "John Doe" matches "John Bob Joe", by @kodinkat
  • Group members are now ordered alphabetically after the group leaders, by @kodinkat
  • Let administrators remove users from a multisite, by @corsacca
  • Select Language offered to user the first time they sign in, by @kodinkat
  • Default D.T Language, by @kodinkat


  • Keep number fields from scrolling and being accidentally updated, by @kodinkat
  • Fix List Filters not loading for some record types, by @kodinkat
  • Allows custom labels for the Status and Details tile, by @micahmills


  • More consisted Activity Log collection for connection field, by @kodinkat
  • use list_all_ permission for viewing typeahead lists, by @cairocoder01


Admin Utilities page to tracks emails sent

Need to make sure certain emails are being sent? Enable email tracking in WP Admin > Utilities (D.T) > Email Logs


Select Language offered to user the first time they sign in

The first time a user signs in, they will be asked what language they would like to use D.T in:


Default Disciple.Tools language.

Set the default language for new users under WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > General Settings > User Preferences:


Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.36.0

February 8, 2023

What's Changed

  • Ability add custom comment types in the WP-Admin
  • Fix for locations lookup saving incorrect place.
  • Fix being able to create a comment reaction by a different user.
  • Fix unwanted notifications being sent to other users on a multisite.
  • Notice to install mapbox key to view all maps.

Developer Updates

  • Including the JWT authentication package in the theme core.
  • Site links API key option.


Ability add custom comment types

In WP-Admain > Settings (D.T) > Custom Lists > Contact Comment Types We now have the ability to add customize comment types for Contacts:


Will let us create a comment with the "Praise" comment type.


Which we can then filter for:


Site links API key option

Enabling "Use Token As API Key" will let the token be used directly instead of needing to create a hash including the current time. This makes interacting with the D.T API easier.


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