Exporting and Importing Settings

Exporting Head over to the Utilities (D.T) > Exports tab. Here you can export all the (fields, tiles, record types) customizations you’ve made to Disciple.Tools. Click export to do download a file name something like: “dt-1680253912.json” Importing Head over to the Utilities (D.T) > Imports tab. Importing tiles and fields Importing a custom post type

March 31, 2023

Increasing User Access

Listing Users By default multipliers and other user roles do not have access to list out all the other users in a D.T instance.Not all contexts need this extra layer of security and privacy, and this functionality can be changed. On your D.T instance navigate to WP Admin > Settings (D.T) .Scroll down to the… Read more »

December 16, 2021

Access By Source

Restrict a user to only have access to certain Contact Sources. This is available on some Roles like the Digital Responder role and the Partner role. Where and How to Update Access from the Settings Gear > Users > Click a user in Users List > Roles Tile Assign the Digital Responder role to the… Read more »

October 21, 2021


In WP Admin > Mapping > Geolocation you have the option to add a Mapbox key and (or) a Google key. These keys are free, but require additional setup outside of Disciple.Tools. These keys basically connect your Disciple.Tools instance with Mapbox or Google to allow use of their API and mapping tools. We recommend this… Read more »

March 19, 2021


In the Metrics area of Disciple Tools you can see an overview of statistics for the project and your personal statistics. Metrics Menu Headings Personal Overview Activity Log Group Maps Contact Maps My Groups Tree My Baptism Tree My Coaching Tree Training Maps Project Fields over Time Charts Critical Path Hover Map Locations List Activity… Read more »

June 9, 2020

Groups List Page

Website Menu Bar Groups List Toolbar Group Filters Tile Group List Tile 1. Website Menu Bar (Groups) The Website Menu Bar will remain at the top of every page of Disciple.Tools.  2. Groups List Toolbar Create New Group The  button is located at the top of the Group List page. This button allows you to add a new Group… Read more »

June 9, 2020


A group is a collection of contacts that are meeting regularly around the Word of God (e.g., a church, Bible study, etc.).

June 9, 2020


A contact represents a person who is on a spiritual journey. It is someone we pray will discover, share, and obey Christ, start churches, and multiply themselves generationally. The Contacts Page is made up of two layers: The Contacts List Page and the Contact Record Page. You can create new contacts and edit existing ones.

June 9, 2020


The Disciple Tools dashboard is the homepage. It displays a summary of useful information that will help the user see where they are at with their active contacts. Active Contacts Tile The number of your active contacts is displayed in the circle. There are also buttons to Add a contact and View Contact List. Pending Contacts Tiles If you have one or… Read more »

June 9, 2020