Category: Announcements

Presenting: Disciple.Tools Storage Plugin

April 24, 2024

Plugin link:

This new plugin builds the way for users to be able to securely upload images and files and sets up the API for developers to use.

The first step is connecting Disciple.Tools to your favorite S3 service (see instructions).
Then Disciple.Tools will be able to upload and display images and files.

We’ve started this use case:

  • User avatars. You can upload your own avatar (these aren’t yet displayed in user lists)

We want to see these use cases:

  • Saving Contact and Group pictures
  • Using pictures in the comments section
  • Using voice messages in the comments section
  • and more!

Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

Disciple.Tools Hosting with Crimson

April 19, 2023

Disciple.Tools has partnered with Crimson to provide a managed hosting option to our users. Crimson provides business-grade managed hosting solutions to organizations large and small while utilizing the fastest and most secure technology available.  Crimson also supports the mission of Disciple.Tools and has dedicated their company to directly influencing the discipleship movement across the globe.

Services & Features

  • Data housed in US Servers
  • Daily backups
  • 99.9% Uptime guarantee
  • Single Instance (inside a network), Single Site or Multi-site options.
  • Option for a custom domain name (single site & multi-site)
  • SSL Security Certificate – Encryption in transmission 
  • Assistance with site customization (Not execution of customization)
  • Tech support


Disciple Tools Starter – $20 USD Monthly

A single instance inside of a network. No option for custom domain name or 3rd party plugins.

Disciple Tools Standard – $25 USD Monthly

A standalone site with the option for a custom domain name, 3rd party plugins. Can be upgraded to a multi-site (network) platform in the future.

Disciple Tools Organization – $50 USD Monthly

A network platform with multiple connected sites (up to 20) – allows for transfering of contacts and administrator oversight for all connected sites. Option for custom domain name, administrator control of 3rd party plugins for all sites.

Disciple Tools Enterprise  – $100 USD Monthly

Up to 50 network sites. Each site beyond 50 is an additional $2.00 USD per month.

Next Steps

Visit to set up your account. Once you make your purchase, sites are set up within 24 hrs.

Disciple.Tools Summit Summary

December 8, 2022

In October, we held the first ever Disciple.Tools Summit. It was a great experimental gathering that we intend to repeat in the future. We want to share what happened, what the community thought about it and invite you into the conversation. Sign up to be notified about future events at Disciple.Tools/summit.

We’ve captured all the notes from the key breakout sessions and hope to make them public soon. We used a framework of discussing the current state of a given topic and what is good about it. We then continued into a discussion around what is wrong, missing or confusing. Conversations that led us to several “We must” statements for each topic, which will help lead the community forward.

Starting in 2023, we plan to hold regular community calls to demo new features and use cases.

Disciple.Tools Dark-Mode is here! (Beta)

July 2, 2021

Chromium based browsers now come with an experimental Dark-Mode feature for every site one visits. This also applies to Disciple.Tools and if you want to make your dashboard look high-tech, this is your chance.

In order to enable Dark-Mode, follow these steps:

  1. In a Chromium based browser such as Chrome, Brave, etc. write this in the address bar:
  2. In the dropdown, select one of the Enabled options
  3. Relaunch the browser

There are several variants. No need to click them all, you can see them below!



Enabled with simple HSL-based inversion

Enabled with simple CIELAB-based inversion

Enabled with simple RGB-based inversion

Enabled with selective image inversion

Enabled with selective inversion of non-image elements

Enabled with selective inversion of everything

Remember you can always opt-out by setting the dar-mode option back to Default.