What's Changed
- Lists: Bulk Send an email to your Contact list @kodinkat
- List Map Upgrades - Open the list view of the records on your map by @kodinkat
- Fix workflows not working on record creation by @kodinkat
- Fix list filters counts going to the next line by @kodinkat
- Fix issue with creating list filters by @kodinkat
- Fix background jobs queue on large multilites by @corsacca
- Fix email template when not using smtp by @kodinkat
List Map Upgrades - Open the list view of the records on your map.
Let's say you are looking to do an event and want to invite all of your contacts in a neighborhood or region to join.
We've now made this process much simpler. Go to your contacts list. Choose all contacts or choose a custom filter that fits your use case. Then click the map icon in the top bar or click "Map List" in the List Exports tile on the left.

Zoom on the contacts you want to focus on. Here I'm going to zoom in on Span. The right panel will show the contacts in my zoomed window.

Next we'll click "Open Zoomed Map Records" to open the list view with just the contacts in your zoomed view.
In my case this is all the records in Spain

If you wish, save this view to your custom Filters so you can open it up later

Note: for this feature make sure you have mapbox enabled. See Geolocation
Now. What if we wanted to send an email to this list to invite them to the event? See the next section.
Bulk Send a emails to your Contact list
Send an email to any list of Contacts in your Disciple.Tools site by going to Contacts and filtering the list the way you want it.
You'll come to a screen like this that allows you to edit a message that will be sent out. Note that there is no-reply address to this email. If you want a response back from your list of contacts then you will need to add an email address or a webform link to the body of the email address.

Whether you are using Disciple.Tools to manage a list of intercessors for a prayer campaign or to serve a group of disciples that you're wanting to train (or many other use cases), this new feature will be an upgrade for you. The Bulk Send Message feature is another way to communicate with those you are serving.
See more instructions here: https://disciple.tools/user-docs/features/bulk-send-messages/
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DiscipleTools/disciple-tools-theme/compare/1.57.0...1.58.0