Theme Release v1.25.0

April 25, 2022

What's Changed

  • Upgrade Apps tile to show all the magic links related to a record
  • Show more field snippets in the details tile

Dev Changes

  • Upgrade settings endpoint to return all post types and their settings. See documentation


Upgrade Apps tile to show all the magic links related to a record

See, copy, send, view QR codes, and refresh magic links


Show more field snippets in the details tile

  • tags, numbers and clickable links in the top section of the details tile.


Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.24.0

April 6, 2022

What's Changed

  • Comments and Activity: more accurate Date and Time when hovering over an item.
  • Ability to search Communication Channels (like phone) on the list page by @kodinkat
  • Ability to uninstall a plugin from the Extension page by @prykon
  • New translation: Ukrainian!

Dev Changes

  • Read Only view for records @micahmills


  • Fix some translations not working on php8
  • Fix jitter with some typeaheads.
  • Fix bug when deleting a user.
  • Fix deleting created list page filters
  • Fix searching record name only on records page.

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.23.0

March 3, 2022

What's Changed

  • Highlight current metrics page in menu, by @kodinkat
  • Update needed reminders for custom seeker path options, by @kodinkat
  • Upgrade Advanced Search UI, by @kodinkat
  • Added a gradient color banner in the new release notification modal by @prykon

Dev Changes

  • Ability to show Magic Link in user or contact's langugage by @kodinkat
  • fix some comments not being created by @corsacca


Highlight current metrics page in menu


Update needed reminders for custom seeker path options


Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.22.0

February 11, 2022

Contact and User Changes:

  1. Admins/dispatchers can access all users-contact records.
  2. New users will automatically have their user-contact shared with them.
  3. New "This contact represents a user" and "This contact represents you as a user." banner on the contact record
  4. Link to user-contact in profile settings, if you have access to it
  5. Removed the modal on the record to "create a user from this contact" and merged in with the user-management new contact section
  6. Add option to archive comments when inviting a user from an existing contact
  7. Simplify new contact form removing connection type from view. Rename contact types: Standard and Private
  8. Add new contact type "Connection"
  9. Ability to hide "Private Contact" type

New Features

  1. Ability to disable user registrations by @ChrisChasm
  2. Add Signal, WhatsApp, iMessage and Viber options when clicking a phone number by @micahmills
  3. Ability to choose color settings an Dropdown fields by @kodinkat

Dev Changes

  1. API: Better handle comments with invalid dates by @kodinkat
  2. Fix text fields displaying incorrectly when mixing right-to-left and left-to-right fields by @corsacca

More info

1. Admins/dispatchers can access all users-contact records.

This keeps a dispatcher from loosing access to a record when the contact type is changes to User from access.

2. New users will automatically have their user-contact shared with them.

Existing users won't automatically have access to their user-contact to avoid sharing private information. The aim is to up clarity and collaboration between admins and the new user. And provide a place form some basic conversation. image

3. New "This contact represents a user" and "This contact represents you as a user." banner on the contact record

If you are looking at your contact record you will see this banner with a link to your profile settings image If your are an admin looking at the user-contact for another user, then you will see this banner: image

4. Link to user-contact in profile settings


6. Add option to archive comments when inviting a user from an existing contact

If a contact record comments contains sensitive data, this will give the admin a change to archive those comments. These comments get moved to a new record that is only shared with the user who previously had access to the record image

7. Simplify new contact form removing connection type from view


8. Add new contact type "Team connection"

Contact types:

  • Private Contact: visible to user who created it
  • Private Connection: visible to user who created it
  • Standard Contact: visible to Admins, dispatchers and user who created it
  • Connection: visible to Admins, dispatchers and user who created it
  • User: visible to Admins, dispatchers and user who created it

Contact type documentation:

9. Ability to hide "Private Contact" type

Only want collaborative contacts? Head over to WP-Admin > Settings (D.T). Scroll to the "Contact Preferences" section and uncheck the "Personal Contact Type Enabled" checkbox. Click Update image

10. Ability to disable user registrations

If a multisite has user registrations enabled globally, this setting allows you to disabled it for a specific D.T instance. See WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Disable Registration image

11. Add Signal, WhatsApp, iMessage and Viber options when clicking a phone number


12. Ability to choose color settings an Dropdown fields by @kodinkat

Some dropdown fields have colors associated with each option. For example the Contact Status field. These are now customizable. Find the field option by going to WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Fields. Choose the post type and the field. image

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.21.0

January 13, 2022

What's Changed

  1. List view: Ability to remove parameters from a filter by @kodinkat
  2. Activity Highlights metrics section by @squigglybob
  3. Set Notification Emails "from address" and "from name" by @kodinkat

1. List view: Ability to remove parameters from a filter

Keep the same filter, but without one of the queries image

2. Activity Highlights metrics

Show highlights form a time range (last year) with a summary of Contacts and Groups Created, Meetings, Faith Milestones, Seeker Path, Baptisms, Groups, Group Health Metrics image

3. Notification Emails

Set the email address and from name that D.T notification email are sent with. image

Also announcing changes coming in 1.22.0

  • Admins/dispatchers can access all users-contact records.
  • New users will automatically have their user-contact shared with them.
  • New "This contact represents a user" and "This contact represents you as a user." banner on the contact record
  • Link to user-contact in profile settings, if you have access to it
  • Removed the modal on the record to "create a user from this contact" and merged in with the user-management new contact section
  • Add option to archive comments when inviting a user from an existing contact
  • Simplify new contact form removing connection type from view. Rename contact types: Standard and Private
  • Add new contact type "Connection"
  • Ability to hide "Private Contact" type

Form more details see:

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.20.0

January 11, 2022

New in this release

  • New columns in users table by @kodinkat

Fixes and upgrades

  • Fix for updating user language by @micahmills
  • Magic link structure upgrades by @kodinkat
  • Fix mobile view details by @ChrisChasm
  • Fix for getting correct favorited records in list view by @corsacca


New columns in users table

Added filterable Role, Language and Location columns image

Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.19.0

December 6, 2021

New In This Release

  • Filter Notification to ones where you are @mentioned, by @kodinkat


  • Fix places where $amp; is being displayed instead of &
  • Make sure the favorite start shows the right value on the lists page

New Developer Features

  • Magic link upgrade to handle multiple instance of the same magic link
  • Creating a record with a connection to the new record. Documentation

More Information

@Mentions Notification

On your notifications page you can now toggle the @mentions to only show notifications where your are at mentioned by another user. image

Full Changelog

Theme Release v1.18.0

November 24, 2021

New in this release

  • Change field icons by uploading new icons by @kodinkat


  • When creating new contacts the status will be "active" by default for all users
  • Make sure a contact has a status when the contact type is changed to "access"
  • Keep users from inadvertently sharing a contact with another user with better @mention protections
  • Make Critical Path metrics available to multipliers again

Uploading icons

Navigate to the settings for a field: WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Fields > Select a field And then down to the icon option:


And you'll see the new icon next to the field name:


Full Changelog:

Theme Release v1.17.0

November 9, 2021

New In This Release:

  • Metrics page to report on transferred contacts by @kodinkat


  • Make Church Health field icons less transparent by @prykon
  • Fix issue keeping an admin from editing People Groups
  • Fix issue with installing some plugins from the Extensions (D.T) tab
  • Fix issue using Next and Previous buttons on a record in some cases

Transferred Contacts Report

This Metrics page provides a summary on the contacts that have been transferred from your instance to another instance. Showing updates to Statuses, Seeker Paths and Faith Milestones


Theme Release v1.16.0

October 27, 2021

New in this release

  • Show a summary of a transferred contact
  • Add Hungarian language


  • Fix changing user language from the WP Admin
  • Fix showing correct language on the user profile page
  • Fix tile order bug for mobile
  • Fix D.T Admin role being able to create site to site links

Show a summary of a transferred contact

Say we've transferred a contact from site A to site B. The contact on site A is archived, the newly contact on site B continues to be updated.
This feature opens a window on site A to site B to show a summary containing the Contact Status, Seeker Path and Milestones for the conact. This new tile also allows the Admin on site A to send a message to site B. This message will be created as a comment on the contact on site B.
