Prayer Campaigns V.2 and Ramadan 2023

January 27, 2023

Prayer Campaigns v2

We are happy to announce that in this new version the Prayer Campaigns plugin is ready for Ramadan 2023 and Ongoing Prayer Campaigns.

Ongoing prayer campaigns

We could already create prayer campaigns for fixed time periods (like Ramadan). But more than a month wasn't ideal.
With v2 we have introduced "ongoing" prayer campaigns. Set a start date, no end end, and see how many people we can mobilize to pray.
Prayer "warriors" will be able to sign up for 3 months and then have the opportunity to extend and keep on praying.

Ramadan 2023

We'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to join in praying and mobilizing prayer for the Muslim world during Ramadan in 2023.

To mobilize 27/4 prayer for the people or place God has put on your heart the process involves:

  1. Signing up on
  2. Customizing your page
  3. Inviting your network to pray

See for more details or join one of the existing networks here:


Theme Release v1.34.0

December 9, 2022

New Features

  • Avoid duplicates on Contact creation with duplicate checker by @prykon
  • Create Roles with default post type permissions


  • Fix language label for Romanian
  • Fix WP Admin font icon picker not loading
  • Fix searching for comments in list view
  • Unblock /wp/v2/users/me for some plugins to work better (iThemes Security).

Development upgrades

  • Add dev key option to site links to be reference by plugins


Contact Creation Duplicate Checker

We now check if another contact already exists for a certain email in order to avoid creating duplicate contacts. Also works with phone numbers. duplicate-emails

Create Roles with default post type permissions

We made it easier to create custom roles with specific permissions for all the record types (contacts, groups, trainings, etc). image

Site link dev key (developer)

Add a custom key to the site link configuration. This lets a plugin find its needed site link image

$site_keys = Site_Link_System::instance()::get_site_keys();
//filter for site_key['dev_key'] === 'your_dev_key';

Full Changelog:

Disciple.Tools Summit Summary

December 8, 2022

In October, we held the first ever Disciple.Tools Summit. It was a great experimental gathering that we intend to repeat in the future. We want to share what happened, what the community thought about it and invite you into the conversation. Sign up to be notified about future events at Disciple.Tools/summit.

We’ve captured all the notes from the key breakout sessions and hope to make them public soon. We used a framework of discussing the current state of a given topic and what is good about it. We then continued into a discussion around what is wrong, missing or confusing. Conversations that led us to several “We must” statements for each topic, which will help lead the community forward.

Starting in 2023, we plan to hold regular community calls to demo new features and use cases.

New Ministry Partner Hosting Solutions

December 5, 2022

A trusted partner of Disciple.Tools has decided to offer managed hosting.  We have worked with this team for a number of years and are excited that this business-as-mission initiative can help serve the Kingdom.  Their team is located in a sensitive part of North Africa and is currently using some of the same M2M and DMM methodologies as many of you.

Services & Features

  • Data housed in US Servers (Digital Ocean)
    • GDRP (General Data Protection Regulation) Compliant
  • Email distribution (Amazon -AES)
  • General Domain with custom subdomain (custom domain available upon request)
  • Single or Network (up to 20 sub-sites) or Enterprise (20+ sub-sites)
  • SSL Security Certificate – Encryption in transmission 
  • 2-step authenticator security feature
  • Training/Assistance with site customization (Not execution of customization)
  • Tech support


Single Site – $60 Monthly

One site for your ministry/team – no connected sites (no transfer of contacts)

Network Site – $100 Monthly

Multiple connected sites (up to 20) – allows for transfering of contacts and administrator oversight for all connected sites

Enterprise Site – (Prices Vary)

21-50 subsites – $150 monthly

50-75 subsites – $200 monthly

100+ subsites – TBD

Next Steps

Click Here to fill out the form to officially request hosting service:

Disciple.Tools Webform v5.7 – Shortcodes

December 5, 2022

Avoid duplicates on form submittion

We've added a new option to reduce the number of duplicate contacts in your D.T instance.

Normally, when a contact submits their email and/or phone number a new contact record is created in Disciple.Tools. Now when the form is submitted we have the option to check if that email or phone number already exists in the system. If no matches are found, it creates the contact record as usual. If it finds the email or phone number, then it updates the existing contact record instead and adds the submitted info.


The form submittion will @mention the assigned to all record the form contents:


Theme Release v1.33.0

November 28, 2022


  • Switching from for translations to
  • Ability to hide a tile based on custom conditions
  • Use locations in workflows
  • Remove items in workflows


API: Ability to check if a contact email or phone already exists before creating a contact.


  • Fix deleting a report in the WP Admin
  • Fix nothing happening when updating a comment
  • Load metrics faster when there are a lot of groups
  • set D.T to not cache pages to avoid showing outdated data in some cases.


Translations with

We moved translation of Disciple.Tools from poeditor to a new system called weblate found here:

Would you like to help us test it out on the theme? You can create an account here: And then find the theme here: For documentation have a look at:

Why Weblate? Weblate offers us a few advantages that we couldn't take advantage of with Poeditor.

  • Reusing translations or copying translations from similar strings.
  • Better wordpress compatibility checks.
  • Ability to support many plugins. We are excited about this capacity to bring many D.T plugin to other languages as well.

Ability to hide a tile based on custom conditions

After customizing your Disciple.Tools instance with more fields and tiles, it can become useful to only sometimes display a tile with a group of fields. Example: Lets only show the Follow Up tile when the contact is active.

We can find this setting at WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Tiles tab. Select the Follow Up tile.

Here, under Tile Display, we can select Custom. Then we add the Contact Status > Active display condition and save.


Use locations in workflows

When using workflows to automatically update records, we can now add and remove locations. Example: if a contact is in location "France", when can auto assign the contact to Dispatcher A.

Remove items in workflows

We can now use workflows to remove more items. Contact is archived? Remove the custom "follow-up" tag.

API: Check if a contact email or phone already exists before creating a contact.

Currently used by the webform plugin. Normally filling out the webform creates a new contact. With the check_for_duplicates flag, the API will search for the matching contact and update it instead of creating a new contact. If no matching contact is found, then a new one is still created.

See docs for the API flag.

See all changes since 1.32.0 here:

Theme Release v1.32.0

October 10, 2022


  • New Link field type
  • People Groups in Core
  • D.T Usage


  • Filter for registered D.T plugins
  • Ability to update a duplicate record instead for creating a new one


New Link field type

One field to hold many values. Like the phone number or email address fields, but customizable to your needs.

Peek 2022-10-10 12-46

People Groups

Enable the People groups tab in WP Admin > Settings > General to display the people groups UI. This replaces the people groups plugin. image

D.T Usage

We've updated how we collect telemetry on Disciple.Tools to include countries and languages used. For more information, and for the ability to opt out. See WP Admin > Utilities (D.T) > Security

Filter for registered D.T plugins

Ping the dt-core/v1/settings endpoint to get a list of registered D.T plugins. Docs.

Ability to update a duplicate record instead for creating a new one

When creating a post, used the check_for_duplicates url parameter to search for duplicates before creating a new post.

See documentation

Theme Release v1.31.0

September 21, 2022


  • Mapping v2 Upgrade by @ChrisChasm
  • Always show record name in details tile by @corsacca
  • Show clickable connection fields it details tile by @corsacca


  • Fix error sending daily email digest
  • Let strategist see the Critical Path metrics again
  • Upgrade Release modal by @prykon


  • Use Github Actions instead of Travis. Available from the Starter Plugin


Mapping v2 Upgrade

  • Updated map polygons
  • Updated population counts
  • One place to install more administrative levels (lower than the state level) in WP Admin > Mapping > Levels

Github Actions

Developers can now enjoy code style and security checks out of the box when creating a plugin from the Disciple.Tools starter plugin

See full changelist: