- Group Record Toolbar
- Group Details
- Group Comments and Activity Tile
- Group Members Tile
- Group Progress Tile
- Parent/Peer/Child Group Tile
1. Group Record Toolbar

Follow Group
Following a group means that you are actively receiving notifications about activity in their Group Record. If you are assigned to a group, you automatically follow them. If the Group Record has been shared with you, you can choose to follow or not follow the group by toggling on or off the follow button.
Following: vs. Not Following:
Share Group
Click to share a Group Record with another user. This user will be able to view, edit, and comment on your groups’ record. Clicking on this button will show you with whom it is currently shared.
2. Group Details Tile

These are the details about a group. You can change the information here by clicking edit
. The information you add here, will also be used to help you filter your groups in the Groups List Page.
In this area is the following set of data:
- Name – The name of the group.
- Assigned To – Who is in charge of this group (not contacts).
- Leaders – A list of the leaders of the group (contacts) .
- Address – Where does this group meet (e.g., 124 Market St or “Jon’s Famous Coffee Shop”).
- Start Date – The start date of when they started meeting.
- End Date – When the group stopped meeting (if applicable).
- People Groups – The people groups that are a part of this group.
- Locations – A more general idea of locations (e.g., South_City or West_Region).
3. Group Comments and Activity Tile

Making a Comment (Group)
This tile is where you will want to record important notes from meetings and conversations with a contact about their group.

Type @ and the name of a user to mention them in a comment. Note: This will share this Group Record Page with that user. This user will then receive a notification.
Comments and Activity Feed (Group)
Below the comment box, there is a feed of information. Recorded here are timestamps of every action that has taken place within this Group Record and conversations between users about the group.
You can filter the feed by clicking on one or more of the following:
Comments: This shows all of the comments made by users about the group.
Activity: This is a running list of all of the activity changes made to a Group Record.
4. Group Members Tile

This is the area where you list the contacts that are a part of the group. To add members, click on the Select
area and click on the name or search them. To mark a member as a group leader, click on the icon next to their name.To delete a contact click on the
next to their name. You can also quickly navigate between the Group Records and the members’ Contact Records
5. Group Progress Tile
In this tile, you can keep track of the overall health and progress of the group.

Group Type
This area helps to track the spiritual progress a group makes as they become a healthy multiplying church. The first thing you should do is define what type of group it is. Do this by clicking on the Group Type
drop-down. Clicking this will reveal three options.
- Pre-Group: This can be an unofficial group, a network of friends who a disciple knows
- Group: A group of contacts meeting around the Word consistently
- Church: When a group identifies themselves as a Church body
Health Metrics
These metrics have been identified as characteristics that describe a healthy church. By clicking on one of them, it activates the corresponding symbol in the circle.
If the group has committed to be a church, click the Covenant
button to make the dotted line circle solid.
If the group/church regularly practices any of the following elements, then click each element to add them inside the circle.
The list of elements is as follows:
- Fellowship: The group is actively pursuing the “one anothers” together
- Giving: The group is actively using their personal finances for Jesus’ Kingdom
- Communion: The group has began practicing the Lord’ Supper
- Baptism: The group is practicing baptism of new believers
- Prayer: The group is actively incorporating prayer in their gatherings
- Leaders: The group has recognized leaders
- Word: The group is actively engaging in the Word
- Praise: The group has incorporated praising (i.e. musical worship) into their gatherings
- Evangelism: The group is actively sharing
- Covenant: The group has committed to be a church
6. Parent/Peer/Child Group Tile
This tile shows the relationships between multiplying groups and provides a way to navigate quickly between them.

Parent Group: If this group has multiplied from another group, you can add that group under Parent Group
Peer Group: If this group aren’t parent/child in relationship, you can add that group under Peer Group
. It might indicate groups that collaborate, are about to merge, recently split, etc.
Child Group: If this group has multiplied into another group, you can add that under Child Groups