Base User
A Base User is the catch-all account for orphaned contacts and other records to be assigned to. When contacts are created, for example, via the webform integration, the contacts will be assigned to the Base User by default. To be a Base User, the user must be an Administrator, Dispatcher, Multiplier, Digital Responder, or Strategist.
How to access:
- Access the admin backend by clicking on the on the top right and then click
. - In the left hand column, select
Settings (DT)
. - Scroll down to the section titled
Base User
. - To change the Base User, click the dropdown box and select a different user, then click
Email Settings
When your Disciple.Tools instance sends out system emails to users, such as “Update on Contact #231” it will include the same beginning subject line for every email. This is so your users will be able to quickly recognize what kind of email it is.
How to access
- Access the admin backend by clicking on the on the top right and then click
. - In the left hand column, select
Settings (DT)
. - Scroll down to the section titled
Email Settings
. - To change the default from “Disciple Tools” to an alternative phrase, type that in the box and click
In this example, the chosen beginning subject line is “D.T CRM”. If you work in a security concerning region, consider using a phrase that would not cause your work issues due to email subject lines not being encrypted.
Site Notifications
Users can change their Site Notifications within their personal Profile Settings, but you have the ability to override this here. The boxes that are checked represent types of notifications that every Disciple.Tools user will be required to receive via Email and/or Web (the notification bell ) . Unchecked boxes mean that the individual user will have the choice whether they want to receive that type of notification or not.
How to access:
- Access the admin backend by clicking on the on the top right and then click
. - In the left hand column, select
Settings (DT)
. - Scroll down to the section titled
Site Notifications
Types of Site Notifications:
- Newly Assigned Contact
- @Mentions
- New comments
- Update Needed
- Contact Info Changed
- Contact Milestones and Group Health Metrics
Update Needed Triggers
In order to prevent seekers from falling through the cracks, Disciple.Tools will notify users when Contact Records and Group Records need updating.
How to access:
- Access the admin backend by clicking on the on the top right and then click
. - In the left hand column, select
Settings (DT)
. - Scroll down to the section titled
Update Needed Triggers
You can edit the frequency (by number of days) that this message will automatically be triggered in relation to where a contact is on their Seeker Path (i.e. First Meeting Complete). You an also change the comment that will appear in the message. Be sure to click Save
to apply the change.
For example, a user has completed a first meeting with a contact and notes that within the Contact Record. If the user doesn’t update this record after the chosen number of days, then the user will receive an alert within the Contact Record. Also, this Contact Record will be listed in the Filters section under Update Needed
. This will help Multipliers prioritize their contacts and provide a sense of accountability. The Dispatcher or the DT Admin can oversee the accountability piece to make sure that Multipliers are updating their Contact Records to the agreed upon time frame.
An update constitutes as any change to the Contact Record that would be recorded in the Comment/Activity Tile.
Be sure to click the box Update needed triggers enabled
if you want users to receive this alert message.
You can edit the frequency (by number of days) that this message will automatically be triggered since the last time a Group Record was updated. You an also change the comment that will appear in the message.
An update constitutes as any change to the Group Record that would be recorded in the Comment/Activity Tile.
Be sure to click the box Update needed triggers enabled
if you want users to receive this alert message.
Group Tile Preferences
Here you can choose if you want some tiles to be displayed or not. The current tiles that are optional are:
- Church Metrics
- Four Fields
If you make changes, by ticking or un-ticking the option, ensure you click the Save
button on the right side to ensure the changes are implemented.
User Visibility Preferences
Choose which User Roles that can view all other Disciple Tools users names.
- Strategist
- Digital Responder
- Partner
- Disciple.Tools Admin
- Multiplier
- Registered
- User Manager